*in production

Chicago PD| Episodic | Dick Wolf Productions | February2023 | Officer Garcia
Into the Wild Frontier 1700's| Episodic | New Springs Media |June 2023| Lanape Warrior
Schizolove | Feature Film | Katharin Mraz | January 2024* | Simon
Red Tape | Feature Film | Al Hemphill| June 2023 | Joey Bears
Walgreens | Commercial | O' Connor Casting| October 2022 | Husband
Brady Communications | Commercial (Regional) | Stacy Nash | May 2021 | Football Player
ALAS| Industrial | ALAS Media | February 2021 | Sonny Bahar
Red Ink | Short Film | Akbal Studios | February 2021
Northwestern Medicine | Industrial | Tim Frakes | February 2020
Blue Cross Blue Shield | Print Ad | Richter Studios | December 2019
Accenture | Industrial | Accenture | PLC | August 2019 | Steve
Warrirors of the World | Episodic |Gary Mcmillan | August 2019 | Ken
Lowry Insurance | Commercial | Joshua Inglis | July 2019 | Concrete Contractor
Not One Batu | Film | Nothing Without a Company | August 2018 | Jason
Professional Theatre

Nothing Without a Company | Pakalolo Sweet | September 19th and 20th | Junior Boy
Babs With Blades | Summer Nights & Fireflies (Staged Reading) | June 1st | Sean Williams
Victory Gardens Theatre | Cambodian Rock Band | April 4 - May 4 | Duch U/S
Rivendell Theatre Company|I Wanna Fucking Tear You Apart | March 2019 | Hot MIke
Remy Bumppo Theatre Company | The Father | Jan. 31st - March 3rd 2019 | The Man
Rhinofest | Goose | February 2019| Dad and Dallin
Rivendell Theatre Company|The Scientific Method | Oct. 28th - Dec. 3rd |Danny and Julian (U/S)
Nothing Without a Company | Not One Batu | June 22nd - July 28th | Jason
Steppenwolf Theatre | The DOPPELGÄNGER | March 2018 - June 2018 | Wen Xiaoping (U/S)
Tecumseh! Outdoor Theatre | A Midsummer Night's Dream | July 2017 | Theseus
Tecumseh! Outdoor Theatre | Tecumseh! | June 2017-Sept 2017 | Blue Jacket
Hampstead Stage Company | The Wizard of Oz | May 2016-Aug 2016 | Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, Oz
Hampstead Stage Company | Aladdin! | May 2016-Aug 2016 | Father, Salabin, Genie
Tecumseh! Outdoor Theatre | Tecumseh! | May 2015-Aug 2015 | Roundhead
Western Illinois University Acting | Bill Kincaid​
Movement/Stage Combat | DC Wright
Voice | Carolyn Blakinton
Special Skills
Sports: Football, Baseball, Basketball, Boxing, Bowling, Pool, Powerlifting, Functional Fitness
Dialects: Irish, Spanish, Chinese, Filipino, Southern
SPTS: Unarmed (Recommended Pass), Rapier and Dagger (Pass), Quarter-Staff (30+hrs)
Miscellaneous: Bareback and English Saddle Horseback Riding, Water-Drop Noise, Kip-Ups, Adaptable Facial Hair, Beer Belly or Six-Pack Abs in 2 weeks​