We're already almost halfway through June, and I realized I haven't been giving many career updates. It's because things have been so busy since my last post! Like I said, I've got a huge chip on my shoulder now, so I've been hitting the ground with as many opportunities and gigs as possible.
Speaking of opportunity, a golden one presented itself to me in the form of a start-up company called JK Fights. JK Fights is a new combat choreography company started my Jon Beal and Kai Young (JK!). I had the pleasure of meeting Kai when we were extras on a Chicago PD episode, and we got to talking about fighting (as most Filipino actors do, I'm discovering). Well it turns out Kai is crazy talented when it comes to fight choreography, and he is a great guy to work with, so naturally I wanted to help out when I saw that him and Jon were starting a fight choreography company.
For a ridiculously reasonable fee, Jon and Kai can choreograph any violence or fight for your show (stage or screen), or they will choreograph, film, and even partner for a fight demo! I met Jon by going with the latter option, and I cannot be happier with how it turned out. We came up with a solid 1 minute fight, and a week later, recorded it. They provided everything: The location, weapons (I chose unarmed), and fight equipment. I can see why JK Fights has already been nominated for a Chicago Jeff award for best Fight Choreography.
I can go on and on about how great this experience was, but I'll let the video do the rest of the talking for me:
Check out Jon and Kai's facebook page below and set something up while they're still new because something tells me that their schedule will be filling up incredibly fast.
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